Rabu, 02 September 2009
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
Senin, 27 Juli 2009
Kamis, 16 Juli 2009
catatan harian tgl 16072009
Sistem Informasi adalah sekumpulan hardware,software,brainware,prosedur dan atau aturan yang diorganisasikan secara integrasi untuk mengubah data menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat guna memecahkan masalah dan mengambil keputusan.
Sistem dan Subsistem :
Sistem mati
Subsistem Bahan bakar
Subsistem pendorong
Subsistem kelistrikan
Subsistem rem
Sistem Komputer
Penyimpan sekunder
Sistem informasi Perusahaan
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
Sistem Informasi Pemasaran
Sistem Informasi Personalia
Sistem Informasi Produksi
Sistem pemrosesan terdistribusi berdasarkan area Fungsional.
3 Macam Arsitektur :
Arsitektur Tersentralisasi
Suatu proses pelayanan informasi yang dikelola secara terpusat
Arsitektur Desentralisasi
Suatu proses pelayanan informasi yang dikelola secara tersebar
Arsitektur Client <-> Server
Suatu proses pelayanan informasi yang database utama dikelola Server sedangkan proses analisis lebih lanjut dilakukan oleh Client
Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
Kamis, 14 Mei 2009
tugas vb
traffic light
'a simple traffic junction of two perpendicular crossing streets
'consists of 4 traffic poles. Each traffic pole has a green, orange
'and red light. There is always just one light on per pole.
'The traffic lights control on one of those junctions has just 4
'statusses. The current status is stored in the variable "Status".
Dim Status As Integer
'The time a status lasts, is derived from the following constants, which
'indicate the time in seconds.
Const TimeForStatus1 = 5
Const TimeForStatus2 = 3
Const TimeForStatus3 = 5
Const TimeForStatus4 = 3
Private Sub SetStatus(ByVal intStatus As Integer)
'Set the status variable to the new status
Status = intStatus
'Turn off all the lights
shpLamp1Groen.FillColor = Off
shpLamp1Oranje.FillColor = Off
shpLamp1Rood.FillColor = Off
shpLamp2Groen.FillColor = Off
shpLamp2Oranje.FillColor = Off
shpLamp2Rood.FillColor = Off
shpLamp3Groen.FillColor = Off
shpLamp3Oranje.FillColor = Off
shpLamp3Rood.FillColor = Off
shpLamp4Groen.FillColor = Off
shpLamp4Oranje.FillColor = Off
shpLamp4Rood.FillColor = Off
'Turn on the appropriate lights with the correct color,
'depending on the current status
Select Case intStatus 'or "Select Case Status", won't make any difference
Case 1
shpLamp1Rood.FillColor = Red
shpLamp2Groen.FillColor = Green
shpLamp3Rood.FillColor = Red
shpLamp4Groen.FillColor = Green
Timer1.Interval = TimeForStatus1 * 1000
Case 2
shpLamp1Rood.FillColor = Red
shpLamp2Oranje.FillColor = Orange
shpLamp3Rood.FillColor = Red
shpLamp4Oranje.FillColor = Orange
Timer1.Interval = TimeForStatus2 * 1000
Case 3
shpLamp1Groen.FillColor = Green
shpLamp2Rood.FillColor = Red
shpLamp3Groen.FillColor = Green
shpLamp4Rood.FillColor = Red
Timer1.Interval = TimeForStatus3 * 1000
Case 4
shpLamp1Oranje.FillColor = Orange
shpLamp2Rood.FillColor = Red
shpLamp3Oranje.FillColor = Orange
shpLamp4Rood.FillColor = Red
Timer1.Interval = TimeForStatus4 * 1000
End Select
'We need to call the following subroutine
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshLights()
'This subroutine makes sure that de data on the screen is
'displayed correctly
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'When the programs starts, it starts with status 1
SetStatus 1
'Initializing the timer will start the timer1_timer subroutine after the
'set interval has elapsed (in milliseconds)
Timer1.Interval = TimeForStatus1 * 1000
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'Change to the next status
Status = Status + 1
'If the next status is 5 then we need to change it back to one
If Status = 5 Then Status = 1
SetStatus Status
End Sub